11 >InstantScoring andClear NextSteps A 21S T -CENTUR Y T OOL FOR A TIME-HONORED ASSESSMENT B e n c h m a r k e d u c a t i o n c o m p a n y Calltoll-free:1-877-236-2465•Visitourwebsite:www.benchmarkeducation.com For Levels A–Z inEnglishandSpanish NEW! DIGITAL OralReading Records B8103_Digital_ORR.indd 112/13/19 1:35 PM2 • Levels A–Z • English and Spanish • Fluency timer • Fiction and nonfiction • Includes a pre-screener and level screeners UnseenTexts Student texts are provided in digital and print formats. End TestPause Test Help ToolsSettings Passage NextBack At My Home We can eat at my home. © Benchmark Education Company LLC All rights reserved.Privacy Policy Emma WatsonAt My Home Easy-to-UseAssessmentswith ImmediateResults • Record, track, and report on reading levels and behaviors. • Assess and monitor students’ progress across a gradient of text complexity. • Determine areas of instructional focus for small group. • Pre-loaded content works with any reading program. B8103_Digital_ORR.indd 212/13/19 1:35 PM3 • Real-time scoring • Automatic calculations • Fluency timer • Comprehension questions • Rubrics for fluency and reading behaviors Scancodetowatcha videoaboutDigital OralReadingRecords! Record, Track, and Report on Students’ Reading Levels and Behaviors ReadingRecordForms Teacher forms are provided for each text in digital and print formats, with the ability for the teacher to capture the record completely digitally! B8103_Digital_ORR.indd 312/13/19 1:35 PM4 Student-LevelProgressReports • Track student progress over time. • Set reading-level targets. • See level, fluency, and accuracy. MSVAnalysisReports • Spot trends over time. • Set reading-level targets. • See level, fluency, and accuracy. ErrorAnalysisReports • Spot trends in error types over time. • Inform instructional next steps. MenuReportsShow Me HowSystem Check Sign OutSwitch Dashboard Tina Smith Student:Grade:School: Tests: Dates: Thomas AvenellBU ElementaryAll (10)9/10/18 - 6/19/19 K SummaryAssessmentOral Reading Records StudentClassSchoolDistrict Fluency AnalysisError AnalysisReading BehaviorsReading HistoryReading Level Progress Product Roster Date Test 28% 26% 42% 4% Visual Cues Not Indicated Structural Cues Meaning Cues MSV Analysis Error Analysis Average 2 50%20%70%50%20%42% Meaning Cues 20%20%20%30%40%26% Structural Cues 30%50%10%20%30%28% Visual Cues 0%0%0%0%10%4% Omissions & Tolds 423443 Self-Correction 011121 Repetition 000211 Told 332334 Insertion 121512 Omission 2 Substitution 1224 9/7/18 B/2 2/8/19 D/5,6 11/9/18 B/2 3/8/19 E/7,8 1/8/18 C/3,4 Assignment Err or Err or Anal ysis UnseenFictionNonfictionEnglishInstructional FiltersReferences RobustReportingSuiteProvides DatatoDriveInstruction B8103_Digital_ORR.indd 412/13/19 1:35 PM5 ClassReports • Track class progress over time. • Spot growth opportunities. • Set reading-level targets. SchoolandDistrictReports • See grade-level performance over time. • Access district-level, class-level, and student-level reports. • Export and print data from reports. StudentGrouping • Use data to create small groups. • Plan small-group instruction. • Create customized assignments in Benchmark Universe. B8103_Digital_ORR.indd 512/13/19 1:35 PM6 A Commitment to Sustained Professional Development Supporting a Culture of Ongoing Learning and Growth Benchmark Education Company has created professional development modules to support all levels of educators at every stage of your implementation. BEC provides high-quality, ongoing training in literacy assessment and instruction in a variety of learning formats, providing you with the flexibility you need to focus on creating lasting, systemic change. Learning Formats Face-to-Face Live Webinar Anytime Digital Audiences Administrator Coach/Trainer Teacher Home Dual Language Time Full Day - 6 Hour Half Day - 3 Hour 1–2 Hour Module Under 30 Minutes A Commitment to Sustained Professional Development Supporting a Culture of Ongoing Learning and Growth Benchmark Education Company has created professional development modules to support all levels of educators at every stage of your implementation. BEC provides high-quality, ongoing training in literacy assessment and instruction in a variety of learning formats, providing you with the flexibility you need to focus on creating lasting, systemic change. Learning Formats Face-to-Face Live Webinar Anytime Digital Audiences Administrator Coach/Trainer Teacher Home Dual Language Time Full Day - 6 Hour Half Day - 3 Hour 1–2 Hour Module Under 30 Minutes A Commitment to Sustained Professional Development Supporting a Culture of Ongoing Learning and Growth Benchmark Education Company has created professional development modules to support all levels of educators at every stage of your implementation. BEC provides high-quality, ongoing training in literacy assessment and instruction in a variety of learning formats, providing you with the flexibility you need to focus on creating lasting, systemic change. Learning Formats Face-to-Face Live Webinar Anytime Digital Audiences Administrator Coach/Trainer Teacher Home Dual Language Time Full Day - 6 Hour Half Day - 3 Hour 1–2 Hour Module Under 30 Minutes TM Comprehensive andUnrivaledSupport A Commitment to Sustained Professional Development Supporting a Culture of Ongoing Learning and Growth BenchmarkEducationCompany offers professional development modules that support educators at all levels, at every stage of implementation. Our top-quality, ongoing training in literacy instruction and assessment, in a variety of learning formats, provides essential flexibility—allowing teachers to focus on creating informed and lasting systemic change. 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In this practical guide, learn to use formative assessments with clear purpose every time. Covered topics include assessing with observation, questioning, and running records; discerning motivation and engagement; self-assessment; summative findings; and providing accommodations. Givethegiftofreading. At long last: a clear, accessible guide for teachers to use in the classroom. Learn to understand, assess, and teach fluency so that all children can love to read and comprehend well. Includes teaching ideas, classroom examples, and extensive research-based guidance on assessment. Benefitfromclear,intentionalapproaches. Discover the why, when, and how of managing differentiated groups within a small-group setting. Includes best practices for guided reading, strategic groups, and close reading. ThePowerofReader’sNotebooks Imagine the dreamy poet writing in a leather journal about falling leaves. Okay, now banish that thought because with this book, Travis Crowder disrupts those clichés and shares lessons and strategies that crackle with newness. SMALL-GROUP READINGINSTRUCTION 1–9 Copies 10+ Copies 1-Year Online Subscription 5-Year Online Subscription 7 ½" x 9", 80 pages, full color Y33665 $21.95 $18.95 X48587 $250/school X48589 $525/school B8103_Digital_ORR.indd 712/13/19 1:35 PM8B8103 Calltoll-freeat1-877-236-2465forthenameofyourlocalsalesrepresentative. Visitourwebsiteatwww.benchmarkeducation.com. BundleBenchmarkEducation DigitalOralReadingRecordswith ourE-BookCollection and get access to 4,500 precisely leveled digital texts—projectable e-book versions of our best-selling fiction and nonfiction titles. Select titles provide teachers with additional digital running records for assessing warm reads. English–3,526titles Spanish–974titles Embed Videos Add the power of video into any e-book. Link to the Web Add hyperlinks to the e-books or link to a Google Doc to extend learning. Create New Pages Add graphic organizers, activities, additional questions, or anything else you’d like. Assign Create differentiated assignments for each student. Use annotations and notes to leave prompts and scaffolds. Create Bookshelves Create virtual e-book collections from thousands of titles! InstantlyExtendYourClassroomLibrary with4,500LeveledE-Books PHOTO CREDITS: FRONT COVER: IV AN SMUK/SHUTTERSTOCK; P AGES 2A–C, 3A, B: PLG PHOTO/SHUTTERSTOCK; PAGE 3C: MONKEY BUSINESS IMAGES/SHUTTERSTOCK; P AGES 4A–5B: EVGENY KARANDAEV/SHUTTERSTOCK LESS THAN 80¢ PER BOOK! PairDigitalOralReadingRecordswithotherBenchmarkEducationsolutionsandSAVEBIG! The more you buy, the more you save, with discounts up to 25% on essential resources. Hurry! Orders must ship by 7/31/20 to qualify for discounts. Contact your sales rep or customer service today to learn more. PricingOptions LevelsEnglishSpanish DigitalOralReadingRecords, 3rdEdition Levels A–Z1-Year Access*X67499 $3.50/student/year X67500 $3.85/student/year Levels A–ZOnboarding Fee**TEC42487 $150 TEC42487 $150 PrintOralReadingRecords, 3rdEdition Levels AA–Z• 54 Leveled Books (1/title) • Oral Reading Records Handbook Y40941 $389 Y41158 $425 Levels AA–R• 38 Leveled Books (1/title) • Oral Reading Records Handbook Y40942$315 Y41159$329 Levels J–Z• 34 Leveled Books (1/title) • Oral Reading Records Handbook Y40943 $255 Y41160 $269 English+Spanish LeveledE-BookCollectionLevels AA–Z1-Year School-Wide Access: • 3,526 English titles • 974 Spanish titles X48616$3,495 *Benchmark Literacy customers must purchase 2nd edition. Please call your rep for more information. **Digital Oral Reading Records purchases are subject to a one-time $150 onboarding fee. B8103_Digital_ORR.indd 812/13/19 1:35 PMNext >