Enhancing Language and Knowledge for All Learners LIMITED-TIME OFFER. See page 51 for details. FREE! Choose Up to $500 in Free Products! Grades PreK–12 AND SPANISH LITERACY 1,200+ New Titles & E-Books Inside! PHOTO CREDITS: CVA: AFRICA STUDIO/SHUTTERSTOCK; CVB: ISSARAWAT TATTONG/SHUTTERSTOCK; PAGE 2, 7, 36, 62A, 65, 94: BENCHMARK EDUC ATION; PAGE 4: WITTHAYA PRASONGSIN/ISTOCK/ GETTY IMAGES PLUS; PAGE 6A: STEVE DEBENPORT/GETTY IMAGES; PAGE 6B: DUSTIN MEYER PHOTOGRAPHY; PAGE 6C: PROVIDED BY KARIN HESS; P AGE 6D: PROVIDED BY ELSA HAGAN; PAGE 62B: PROVIDED BY MARGARITA CALDERÓN; PAGE 66: NICOLESY/ISTOCKPHOTO; PAGE 72: VGSTUDIO/SHUTTERSTOCK; PAGE 96: CBHBOOKS/WIKIMEDIA COMMONS; PAGE 98: FATCAMERA/GETTY IMAGES; Choose up to $500 in FREE products with any $1,000 purchase or up to $300 in FREE products with any $500 purchase! See page 51.Dear Educator: Throughout this catalog, you will find top-quality ESL/ELD and Spanish resources to support your English Learners in developing the language, literacy, and content understanding they need to succeed. We offer products that integrate complex core texts with additional graphic elements to support the comprehension and progression of ELs, meet diverse needs, and cultivate essential skills. Our wide array of print and digital materials includes: • Informational and literary texts that present multiple perspectives, making learning more appropriate and more effective • Precisely leveled books that support access to on-grade-level text and concepts to accelerate ongoing achievement • Exciting new trade book collections, featuring literature that is authentic and culturally conscious—creating connections with children from diverse communities We are dedicated to supporting you with quality resources to increase achievement and prepare all your young learners for a fulfilling future. It’s a privilege to partner with you. With best wishes, Tom Reycraft Founder and CEO Building Literacy and Language for Life ™ ® ® Building Literacy and Language for Life ™ ® ® Correlated to WIDA PRIME: • Early Explorers for Grades K–2 • English Explorers for Grades 3–8+ • Math Explorers for Grades 3–8+ • RIGOR for Grades 4–12 Correlated to WIDA PRIME V2: • Advancing Language Learning for Grades K–6 LEXILE® is a trademark of MetaMetrics, Inc., and is registered in the United States and abroad. Each of these programs has been awarded either a WIDA PRIME or WIDA PRIME V2 correlation, indicating its ability to meet the listening, speaking, reading, and writing needs of students who are English Learners. Complete correlations for Advancing Language Learning can be found on the WIDA PRIME V2 website: https://www.wceps.org/widaprimev2/instructionalMaterials/ Table of Contents Page Number NEW Benchmark Workshop/Taller 4 E-BookRooms 5 NEW Ready to Advance6–7 Content Connections Big Books—English 8–11 Content Connections Big Books—Spanish12–13 Leveled Texts Introduction14–17 Early Explorers18–27 Exploradores principiantes28–29 Classic Tales30–33 Cuentos clásicos34–35 Text Connections—English36–39 Text Connections—Spanish40–43 NEW Advance ALL44–55 Bridges/Navigators56–58 PRIME Science and Social Studies59–61 RIGOR—English 62–64 RIGOR—Spanish65 NEW Advancing Language Learning66–69 NEW Sound-Spelling Transfer Kit70–71 VCL English Explorers & Math Explorers72–89 Spanish Leveled Books Collections90–93 NEW Reycraft Books94–95 NEW Yanitzia Canetti Trade Book Libraries96–97 NEW Professional Training/Professional Books98–99 Order Form50 FREE PRODUCTS51Interactive e-books are included with your online subscription. Digital Tools Students Love! Liven lessons and support your teaching goals. • Differentiate assignments with notes and prompts. • Insert graphic organizers, questions, and more. • Embed videos and web links directly into e-books. • Drag and drop to create virtual e-bookshelves. Effective & Easy! Add digital tools to your print order for just 10% more! Watch for Print + Online alerts. Your online subscription comes with highly engaging, interactive e-books, digital Teacher’s Guides, and more! FREE! Choose ANY $500 in products from this catalog! See page 51 for details. Example: English & Spanish Early Explorers Gr. K–2 78 books *Click Research at www.benchmarkeducation.com to learn more. After just one year using our materials, 17% more 3rd graders scored Proficient. ELs and Title I students achieved substantial increases in Proficiency of 28% and 38%. With Benchmark Education Programs PRIOR YEAR with Other Literacy Programs SWD Title I ALL ELs 30 34 38 42 46 50 54 58 62 66 70 78 82 86 74 % P ro fic ien t/ Ad va nc ed S tu den ts The researchers: “Grades 5 and 6 Spanish literacy students performed significantly better than the school’s 5th and 6th graders 2 years earlier.” YEAR 2YEAR 3 With Benchmark English & Spanish Programs YEAR 1 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 4.7 8.8 14.0 PROVEN EFFECTIVE for ELs and Dual Language Students in Independent Research Studies English DRA Level Gains Gr. 5 (Fall–Spring) Dual Language in Year 3 Growth in the % of Gr. 3 Students Scoring Proficient or Advanced on State Reading Test NOTE: This selection is an example only. You can choose any products in the catalog or from www.benchmarkeducation.com (except Benchmark Literacy, Benchmark Advance, Benchmark Adelante, Ready to Advance, Benchmark Workshop, or custom orders) for your FREE products. Offer expires on July 31, 2020. One offer per purchase order. Cannot be combined with other offers. One offer per building. IMPORTANT: To receive your FREE products, you MUST use promo code ELWY300 or ELWY500. 3Introducing a New Star in Literacy Instruction WRITER’S WORKSHOP PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT TECHNOLOGY PHONICS & WORD STUDY WORKSHOP READER’S WORKSHOP Flexible literacy modules support transfer and build content knowledge over time. English & Spanish, 100% Digital PHONICS W O R K S H O PTMDEL LECTORT A L L E RTM READER ’SW O R K S H O PTM TM DE FONÉTICAT A L L E RTMT A L L E R TM T A L L E R TM APPROVED SIZE RELATIONSHIP WHEN USED SIDE BY SIDEPHONICS W O R K S H O PTMDEL LECTORT A L L E RTM READER ’SW O R K S H O PTM TM DE FONÉTICAT A L L E RTMT A L L E R TM T A L L E R TM APPROVED SIZE RELATIONSHIP WHEN USED SIDE BY SIDEIn English or Spanish for Grades K–5 Complete, Connected, and Completely Flexible Literacy Workshops Visit www.benchmarkadvance.com for more information or to find your rep. 4PB Available on All Platforms Bring learning to life with engaging, high-quality, precisely leveled e-books. • Engage ELs in dynamic e-learning with synchronized audio/highlighting. • Access a wide range of top-quality ESL and native-language resources. • Save time preparing lessons and meeting the needs of diverse learners. SUPPLEMENTAL ES- SENTIALS Grades PreK–9 School-Wide Subscriptions as Low as $1.78 per E-Book Choose the E-Book Leveled Library that’s right for you! ESL E-Library SUPPLEMENTAL ESSENTIALS Provide small-group instruction with English or Spanish e-books. 45123 Prepare Your Lessons Comprehensive website lets you access instructional resources when and where you want. Use E-Books for Activities and Practice Students work independently with e-books to extend and reinforce learning. Select “Just- Right” E-Books Fast search functions help you find e-books that have the right levels and topics for your students. Create and Manage Your Online Groups Now it’s simple to set up online versions of the reading groups in your classroom. Teach with Interactive E-Books Display, play, and modify talking e-books through any computer or interactive whiteboard. ESL E-Library 1,400+ E-Books for English Learners 1-Year School-Wide Online Subscription WY-X09657$2,495 Biliteracy E-Book Set Biliteracy E-Book Set 1,300+ E-Books in Spanish and English 1-Year School-Wide Online Subscription WY-X40942$2,650 Spanish E-BookRoom Spanish E-BookRoom 1,400+ Leveled and Other Spanish E-Books 1-Year School-Wide Online Subscription WY-X41870$2,650 PB5Mathematics and Science Fine Arts Physical Development and Technology Emergent Literacy Reading and Social Studies Rise to the rigor of new state standards with a complete early learning solution. • Provides English Learners with the opportunity to develop social and emotional skills for self-regulation and decision-making • Promotes confidence and social and academic competencies • Integrates content from all learning domains • Provides instructional routines that are evidence based and research supported for sustained gains Integrated Instruction Develops the Whole Child Ready to Advance integrates ten learning domains, intentional instruction, and collaborative practice activities to develop understanding over time. Vicki Gibson, Ph.D., is an early childhood expert who has authored curricula, training manuals, and books to enhance instructional effectiveness. Dr. Karin Hess is known for her work in structuring learning progressions and supplying research-based models for effective instruction. Elsa Cárdenas-Hagan, Ed.D., is a Bilingual Speech Language Pathologist and a Certified Academic Language Therapist. Whole Child Classroom Management Social- Emotional Learning Language and Communication Emergent Literacy Writing Learning outcomes aligned to: • NAEYC • Head Start • Standards from all 50 states! Early Learning Programs READY TO 67Includes all you need to provide children with a high-quality learning experience. EARLY LEARNING Grade PreK Early Learning Programs Includes Implementation Webinars Literary and Informational Texts Interactive Digital Resources Social and Emotional Learning Instructional Routines Emergent Writing Home–School Trade Books Math and Science Vocabulary Assessment Classroom Management Manipulatives Kit features: • Bucket Balance • Animal Counters • Jumbo Magnifiers • Attribute Block Set • Wood Cubes • Magnetic Learning Letters • Geometric Solids COMPLETE PROGRAM Print + Online • 10 Teacher’s Resource Systems (1 per unit) • Classroom Management Guide • Assessment Guide • Program Guide • Instructional Routines Flip Chart • 30 Big Books (1 per unit) • 30 Lap Books (1 per unit) • 10 Shared Reading Posters • 10 Trade Books (1 per unit) • 240 Small Books (6 copies of 40 titles) • 80 Concept Cards and 80 Retelling Cards • 200 Picture Word Cards • 200 Student Picture Cards • 26 Sound-Symbol Cards • 26 Letter Cards • 100 High-Frequency Word Cards • 100 Student High-Frequency Word Cards • 20 Student Workmats • American Sign Language Poster • Emergent Writing Flip Books • Emergent Writing Guide • 150 Consumable Student Books (15 copies of 10 titles) • Home–School Connections Guide 1-Year Program (Print Only) EnglishWY-Y44909 $3,500 SpanishWY-Y44910$3,850 1-Year Program (Print + Online) EnglishWY-XY3084 $4,000 SpanishWY-XY2302 $4,400 3-Year Program (Print + Online) English WY-XY3085$4,200 SpanishWY-XY3001 $4,620 6-Year Program (Print + Online) English WY-XY3086$4,500 SpanishWY-XY3002 $4,950 Manipulatives SetWY-Y39325 $119 67Nonfiction Big Books Develop content understanding and the ability to read informational text. • Big books, student books, and e-resources build understanding of key concepts and text features. • Whole-group resources support modeling of nonfiction reading. • Lessons improve academic vocabulary and content comprehension. • Student books extend learning and independent reading practice. • Math, Science, and Social Studies SOCIAL STUDIES TEXT AND GRAPHIC FEATURES Visually rich graphs, diagrams, charts, and maps Picture support for each vocabulary word Text prompts to promote critical thinking Clear explanation of social studies themes and relationships Matching Small Book for Each Title (61/2" x 9 3/8 ") 16-Page Big Book (131/2" x 191 /2 ") Model the reading of informational text and provide practice with small books or e-books. Students learn how to read labels, captions, sidebars, and other nonfiction text features. Each text models a specific nonfiction text feature. Each text introduces key academic vocabulary based on content standards. Image and context sentence support each word. SCIENCE TEXT AND GRAPHIC FEATURES Visual support for scientific phenomena Graphic representations of patterns, cycles, systems, and changes in the natural world Text prompts to promote scientific thinking and observation Clear explanation of scientific concepts and relationships TEACH CRITICAL ELEMENTS OF NONFICTION Text StructuresText Features • Cause and effect • Compare and contrast • Description • Problem and solution • Sequence of events • Table of contents • Chapter heads • Captions • Labels • Charts and diagrams • Photographs • Sidebars • Subheads • Glossary • Index COMPLETE ENGLISH SCIENCE, SOCIAL STUDIES & MATH PROGRAM • 72 Big Books • 432 Matching Small Books (6 copies of 72 titles) • 72 Teacher’s Guides • Online Subscription (1 year) Print + Online WY-XY2980 $6,599$5,310 SAVE $1,289 Print Only WY-Y32950 $5,999$4,825 SAVE $1,174 89Science Theme Sets EARLY LEARNING Grades K–2 See Spanish pp. 12–13. Animals WY-Y33396 $244 Lexile: 540L Book Set: WY-Y31383 Big Book: WY-Y02464 6 Small Books: WY-Y01811 Lexile: 530L Book Set: WY-Y31382 Big Book: WY-Y02463 6 Small Books: WY-Y01812 Lexile: 510L Book Set: WY-Y31384 Big Book: WY-Y02479 6 Small Books: WY-Y01813 Plants WY-Y33398 $244 Lexile: 460L Book Set: WY-Y31380 Big Book: WY-Y02472 6 Small Books: WY-Y01817 Lexile: 500L Book Set: WY-Y31381 Big Book: WY-Y02480 6 Small Books: WY-Y01818 Lexile: 590L Book Set: WY-Y31379 Big Book: WY-Y02458 6 Small Books: WY-Y01819 Habitats WY-Y33397 $244 Lexile: 660L Book Set: WY-Y31377 Big Book: WY-Y02462 6 Small Books: WY-Y01814 Lexile: 720L Book Set: WY-Y31376 Big Book: WY-Y02460 6 Small Books: WY-Y01815 Lexile: 620L Book Set: WY-Y31378 Big Book: WY-Y02474 6 Small Books: WY-Y01816 Weather and Seasons WY-Y33399 $244 Lexile: 560L Book Set: WY-Y31385 Big Book: WY-Y02459 6 Small Books: WY-Y01820 Lexile: 570L Book Set: WY-Y31386 Big Book: WY-Y02473 6 Small Books: WY-Y01821 Lexile: 560L Book Set: WY-Y31387 Big Book: WY-Y02476 6 Small Books: WY-Y01822 Matter WY-Y09951 $225 Lexile: 520L Book Set: WY-Y09954 Big Book: WY-Y09816 6 Small Books: WY-Y09792 Lexile: 550L Book Set: WY-Y09964 Big Book: WY-Y09834 6 Small Books: WY-Y09810 Lexile: 480L Book Set: WY-Y09965 Big Book: WY-Y09835 6 Small Books: WY-Y09811 Forces and Motion WY-Y09952 $225 Lexile: 480L Book Set: WY-Y09957 Big Book: WY-Y09819 6 Small Books: WY-Y09795 Lexile: 560L Book Set: WY-Y09961 Big Book: WY-Y09829 6 Small Books: WY-Y09805 Lexile: 600L Book Set: WY-Y09956 Big Book: WY-Y09818 6 Small Books: WY-Y09794 Earth and Space WY-Y09953 $225 Lexile: 530L Book Set: WY-Y09963 Big Book: WY-Y09833 6 Small Books: WY-Y09809 Lexile: 490L Book Set: WY-Y09955 Big Book: WY-Y09817 6 Small Books: WY-Y09793 Lexile: 480L Book Set: WY-Y09962 Big Book: WY-Y09830 6 Small Books: WY-Y09806 Scientific Investigation WY-Y09950 $225 Lexile: 470L Book Set: WY-Y09959 Big Book: WY-Y09826 6 Small Books: WY-Y09802 Lexile: 360L Book Set: WY-Y09958 Big Book: WY-Y09825 6 Small Books: WY-Y09801 Lexile: 480L Book Set: WY-Y09960 Big Book: WY-Y09827 6 Small Books: WY-Y09803 ENGLISH SCIENCE SET • 24 Big Books • 144 Matching Small Books (6 copies of 24 titles) • 24 Teacher’s Guides • Online Subscription (1 year) Print + Online WY-XY2977 $2,201$1,925 SAVE $276 Print Only WY-Y32951 $2,000$1,750 SAVE $250 CLASSROOM STARTER PACKS Individual Theme Sets (See code and price near theme title.) • 3 Big Books • 18 Matching Small Books (6 copies of 3 titles) • 3 Teacher’s Guides Individual Big Books (See code near each title.) • Big Book • Teacher’s Guide $40 Individual Title 6-Packs (See code near each title.) • 6 Small Books • Teacher’s Guide Individual Book Sets (See code near each title.) • Big Book • 6 Matching Small Books (6 copies of 1 title) • Teacher’s Guide $78$40 89Next >