B e n c h m a r k e d u c a t i o n c o m p a n y ® PreK–8+ 2017–18 Multi-Leveled Scripts LIMITED-TIME OFFER See p. 31 for details. Choose up to $500 in FREE products with any $1,000 purchase or up to $300 in FREE products with any $500 purchase! TM TM For Grades 6–8+ FAMOUS PEOPLE, FAMOUS WORDS p. 28 Engage students in active learning about: • Historic authors • Documents • Events FableMythSocial Studies Math Folktales, Myths, and Legends Content-Area Concepts FREE! Dear Educator, You may already know how engaged students become in the learning process when you use Reader’s Theater in the classroom —and how Reader’s Theater can help your students meet key elements of the reading, speaking, and listening standards. To help students develop the foundational skills also required by the language arts standards, the Reader’s Theater: Word Plays series, originally covering Grades 3–6+, has been expanded to include 24 multi-leveled scripts for Grades 1–2. Reader’s Theater Classics: Famous People, Famous Words, which engages middle-level students in active learning about 24 historic authors, documents, and events, was also designed with the language arts standards in mind. Multi-leveled scripts for all these series include roles at a range of reading levels so that mixed-ability groups can learn core curriculum content and explore literature together. Use these proven learning tools to make complex text accessible and enable your students to meet high standards. Sincerely, Tom Reycraft Chief Executive Officer ® e d u c a t i o n Benchmark Table of Contents Gr. 5–8+ Pages 26–27 Promote genre and author studies of classic literature and speeches. Folktales, Myths, and Legends Gr. 1–6 Pages 17–19 Help students read and analyze genre story elements. Nursery Rhymes and Songs Nursery Rhymes and Songs Gr. K–2 Pages 8–10 Use rhythm, rhyme, and repetition to delight beginning readers. t M sr iF yGr. PreK–1 Pages 5–7 Introduce concepts about print and high-frequency words. Content-Area Concepts Gr. 1–6 Pages 11–15 Teach science, social studies, and math concepts and vocabulary. TE AC H E R S’ C H O I C E SM AW AR D L E A R N I N G® M A G A Z I N E FOR THE CLASSROOM Gr. 1–6+ Pages 20–25 Improve foundational skills and meet language and vocabulary standards. FAMOUS PEOPLE, FAMOUS WORDS Gr. 6–8+ Pages 28–30 Extend and deepen students’ work with exemplar texts. LEXILE® is a trademark of MetaMetrics, Inc., and is registered in the United States and abroad. CONVERSION GUIDE to Benchmark Education’s Precisely and Consistently Leveled Texts/Scripts Developmental Category Letter Level Number Level Grade Level Lexile® Level Range Emergent AA1 PreK–K BR*–450L A1 B2 C3, 4 Emergent/ Early D5, 6 K–1 E7, 8 Early F9, 10 1 G11, 12 H13, 14 I15, 16 Early/ Fluent J17, 181–2 450L–790L K20 2 L22, 24 M26, 282–3 Fluent N30 3O32, 34 P36, 38 Q40 4 770L–980L R40, 42 S444–5 T44, 46 5 U50 V605–6 W60 6 955L–1155L X60 Advanced Fluent Y706–7 Z–Z+808 *Beginning Reading www. benchmarkeducation.com 2 I have students that really struggle with literacy. Reader’s Theater has been extremely effective because the parts are all leveled. The students feel very successful; they don’t feel like their parts are less important. —Grade 3 Teacher O’Connell Elementary School East Hartford, CT “ “ Multi-Leveled Scripts Help Your Students Meet High Standards! PK–1 K–2 1–6 1–6 1–6+ 5–8+ 6–8+ Build Language and Literacy Skills High-Frequency Vocabulary ✔✔ Concepts About Print ✔✔ Vocabulary ✔✔✔✔✔✔✔ Word Study ✔ Grammar ✔ Conventions of Language ✔ Oral Language Development ✔✔✔✔✔✔✔ Writer’s Craft ✔✔✔ Fluency ✔✔✔✔✔✔✔ Comprehension ✔✔✔✔✔✔✔ Make Textual Connections Across Genres Nursery Rhymes ✔ Songs ✔ Short Stories ✔ Novels ✔ Poetry ✔ Folktales ✔ Myths and Legends ✔✔ Speeches ✔✔ Extend Content Knowledge Science ✔✔ Social Studies ✔✔✔✔ Math ✔✔ My Fir st Reader’ s Thea ter pp . 5–7 Nur ser y Rh ymes and Songs pp . 8–10 Content-Ar ea Concepts pp . 11–15 Folktales , Myths , and Le gends pp . 17–19 W or d P la ys pp . 20–25 Classics pp . 26–27 Classics: Famous P eople, Famous W or ds pp . 28–30 3 Call 1-877-236-2465 • Fax 1-877-732-8273www. benchmarkeducation.com 4 Multi-Leveled Scripts featuring multiple leveled roles enable each student to succeed! Seven proven-effective Reader’s Theater series—for PreK through middle school readers—engage every student and enrich your literacy instruction. • Build fluency through collaborative oral reading. • Strengthen comprehension and vocabulary. • Enrich core content and genre studies. Character names are color coded for easy recognition. Multiple reading levels support heterogeneous grouping. CharactersLevels SheldonG 11–12 ShermanG 11–12 Mrs.VargaH 13–14 VillagersH 13–14 MayorMcNayor I 15–16 SheenaI 15–16 WileyK 20 NarratorL 24 BertM 28 Look Inside! My struggling readers LOVE Reader’s Theater. They used to hide when it was time to read aloud, but now they RUN to choose a title or find the part with the most words. They have begun to believe in themselves. Thank you, Benchmark Education, for making my work so rewarding. —Response-to-Intervention Teacher Ewing, KY, Elementary School “ “t M s ri F y Small Script (75/8" x 6 1 /2") Lap Script (131/2" x 111/2") Resources Include: Teacher’s Handbooks Teacher’s Guide Scripts introduce content-area vocabulary and sight words. • Color-coded icons help readers track their parts. • Each script features three repetitive language structures. 48 nonfiction choral-reading scripts make learning active, effective, and fun. Develop young students’ literacy and content-area understanding. • Teach early reading strategies and concepts about print. • Increase students’ sight words and other vocabulary. • Link oral language to text as well as images. Introduce activities and then let students show their work. Interactive E-Books COMPLETE PROGRAM (Science, Social Studies & Math) • 48 Lap Scripts • 288 Matching Small Scripts (6 copies of 48 scripts) • Teacher’s Guide (48 copies) • 2 Teacher’s Handbooks • Online Subscription Print Only NV-Y04569$3,290$2,645 SAVE $645 Print + Online NV-XY1304$3,737$2,925 SAVE $812 Grades PK Multiple reading levels support heterogeneous grouping. M y F irs t R ea de r’s T he at er R EA D ER ’S T H EA T ER Grades PK–1 5 Call 1-877-236-2465 • Fax 1-877-732-8273 Set A NV-Y01256 $40 Set B NV-Y02963 $40t M sr i F y Studies Science Social Script Set: NV-Y04661 6 Small Scripts: NV-Y01268 Lap Script: NV-Y01194 Script Set: NV-Y04658 6 Small Scripts: NV-Y01265 Lap Script: NV-Y01191 Script Set: NV-Y04660 6 Small Scripts: NV-Y01267 Lap Script: NV-Y01193 Script Set: NV-Y04688 6 Small Scripts: NV-Y03069 Lap Script: NV-Y02739 Script Set: NV-Y04662 6 Small Scripts: NV-Y01269 Lap Script: NV-Y01195 Script Set: NV-Y04682 6 Small Scripts: NV-Y03063 Lap Script: NV-Y02733 Script Set: NV-Y04663 6 Small Scripts: NV-Y01270 Lap Script: NV-Y01196 Script Set: NV-Y04695 6 Small Scripts: NV-Y03076 Lap Script: NV-Y02746 Script Set: NV-Y04655 6 Small Scripts: NV-Y01262 Lap Script: NV-Y01188 Script Set: NV-Y04651 6 Small Scripts: NV-Y01258 Lap Script: NV-Y01184 Script Set: NV-Y04657 6 Small Scripts: NV-Y01264 Lap Script: NV-Y01190 Script Set: NV-Y04694 6 Small Scripts: NV-Y03075 Lap Script: NV-Y02745 Script Set: NV-Y04676 6 Small Scripts: NV-Y03057 Lap Script: NV-Y02727 Script Set: NV-Y04686 6 Small Scripts: NV-Y03067 Lap Script: NV-Y02737 Script Set: NV-Y04652 6 Small Scripts: NV-Y01259 Lap Script: NV-Y01185 Script Set: NV-Y04650 6 Small Scripts: NV-Y01257 Lap Script: NV-Y01183 Script Set: NV-Y04679 6 Small Scripts: NV-Y03060 Lap Script: NV-Y02730 Script Set: NV-Y04656 6 Small Scripts: NV-Y01263 Lap Script: NV-Y01189 Script Set: NV-Y04693 6 Small Scripts: NV-Y03074 Lap Script: NV-Y02744 Script Set: NV-Y04654 6 Small Scripts: NV-Y01261 Lap Script: NV-Y01187 Script Set: NV-Y04684 6 Small Scripts: NV-Y03065 Lap Script: NV-Y02735 Script Set: NV-Y04689 6 Small Scripts: NV-Y03070 Lap Script: NV-Y02740 Script Set: NV-Y04653 6 Small Scripts: NV-Y01260 Lap Script: NV-Y01186 Script Set: NV-Y04696 6 Small Scripts: NV-Y03077 Lap Script: NV-Y02747 CONTENT-AREA SETS • 16 Lap Scripts • 96 Matching Small Scripts (6 copies of 16 scripts) • Teacher’s Guide (16 copies) Print Only Science NV-Y04570$925 Social Studies NV-Y04571 $925 Math NV-Y04572$925 www. benchmarkeducation.com 6StudiesMath Introduce science, social studies, and math topics and vocabulary. Script Set: NV-Y04672 6 Small Scripts: NV-Y01279 Lap Script: NV-Y01205 Script Set: NV-Y04669 6 Small Scripts: NV-Y01276 Lap Script: NV-Y01202 Script Set: NV-Y04681 6 Small Scripts: NV-Y03062 Lap Script: NV-Y02732 Script Set: NV-Y04691 6 Small Scripts: NV-Y03072 Lap Script: NV-Y02742 Script Set: NV-Y04667 6 Small Scripts: NV-Y01274 Lap Script: NV-Y01200 Script Set: NV-Y04678 6 Small Scripts: NV-Y03059 Lap Script: NV-Y02729 Script Set: NV-Y04666 6 Small Scripts: NV-Y01273 Lap Script: NV-Y01199 Script Set: NV-Y04692 6 Small Scripts: NV-Y03073 Lap Script: NV-Y02743 Script Set: NV-Y04674 6 Small Scripts: NV-Y03055 Lap Script: NV-Y02725 Script Set: NV-Y04670 6 Small Scripts: NV-Y01277 Lap Script: NV-Y01203 Script Set: NV-Y04673 6 Small Scripts: NV-Y01280 Lap Script: NV-Y01206 Script Set: NV-Y04671 6 Small Scripts: NV-Y01278 Lap Script: NV-Y01204 Script Set: NV-Y04675 6 Small Scripts: NV-Y03056 Lap Script: NV-Y02726 Script Set: NV-Y04680 6 Small Scripts: NV-Y03061 Lap Script: NV-Y02731 Script Set: NV-Y04690 6 Small Scripts: NV-Y03071 Lap Script: NV-Y02741 Script Set: NV-Y04668 6 Small Scripts: NV-Y01275 Lap Script: NV-Y01201 Script Set: NV-Y04665 6 Small Scripts: NV-Y01272 Lap Script: NV-Y01198 Script Set: NV-Y04683 6 Small Scripts: NV-Y03064 Lap Script: NV-Y02734 Script Set: NV-Y04697 6 Small Scripts: NV-Y03078 Lap Script: NV-Y02748 Script Set: NV-Y04687 6 Small Scripts: NV-Y03068 Lap Script: NV-Y02738 Script Set: NV-Y04664 6 Small Scripts: NV-Y01271 Lap Script: NV-Y01197 Script Set: NV-Y04677 6 Small Scripts: NV-Y03058 Lap Script: NV-Y02728 Script Set: NV-Y04685 6 Small Scripts: NV-Y03066 Lap Script: NV-Y02736 Script Set: NV-Y04659 6 Small Scripts: NV-Y01266 Lap Script: NV-Y01192 CLASSROOM STARTER PACKS Single-Copy SetsScript Sets (See code near each script.) • Lap Script • 6 Matching Small Scripts • Teacher’s Guide $65 Individual Lap Scripts (See code near each script.) • Lap Script $33 Individual Script 6-Packs (See code near each script.) • 6 Small Scripts • Teacher’s Guide $33 • 16 Small Scripts ScienceNV-Y03578 $88 Social StudiesNV-Y03580 $88 MathNV-Y03579 $88 M y F irs t R ea de r’s T he at er R EA D ER ’S T H EA T ER 7 Call 1-877-236-2465 • Fax 1-877-732-8273 Grades PK–1Delight and instruct beginning readers with scripts that match their Emergent reading levels. • Develop vocabulary in context. • Improve students’ fluency. • Teach comprehension skills. Share the reading and fun of multi-leveled scripts based on classic rhymes and songs. Teacher’s Guide Resources Include: Overview (included with purchase) Whiteboard Subscription Big Script (131⁄2" x 191⁄ 2 ") Small Script (61⁄2" x 9 3⁄ 8 ") Reproducible Activities for Differentiated Instruction Books Teacher or more-fluent reader participates as the narrator! CharactersLevels HorsesA/1–B/2 Person 1A/1–B/2 MenC/3–4 Person 2C/3–4 HumptyC/3–4 KingD/5–6 Person 3D/5–6 NarratorE/7–8 Multiple Reading Levels in Every Script (A–E/1–8) Additional Overview copies: Use Interactive Whiteboard versions to personalize teaching and learning. COMPLETE PROGRAM (Sets A & B) • 48 Big Scripts • 348 Matching Small Scripts (6 copies of 38 scripts; 12 copies of 10 scripts) • Teacher’s Guide (48 copies) • Program Overview • 2 Reproducible Activities for Differentiated Instruction Books • Online Whiteboard Subscription (6 years) Print Only NV-Y04516$3,829$3,465 SAVE $364 Print + Online NV-XY0777$6,634$4,420 SAVE $2,214 www. benchmarkeducation.com 8 NV-Y02937 $40 (if purchased separately) Nursery Rhymes and SongsNursery Rhymes and SongsResources Include: Overview (included with purchase) Small Script (61⁄2" x 9 3⁄ 8 ") * Scripts with 7 or more roles come in 12-packs. Numbers in parentheses refer to the number of roles per script. Set A Levels A–E (1–8) Nursery Rhymes and Songs Nursery Rhymes and Songs COMPLETE PROGRAM (Sets A & B) • 48 Big Scripts • 348 Matching Small Scripts (6 copies of 38 scripts; 12 copies of 10 scripts) • Teacher’s Guide (48 copies) • Program Overview • 2 Reproducible Activities for Differentiated Instruction Books • Online Whiteboard Subscription (6 years) Print Only NV-Y04516$3,829$3,465 SAVE $364 Print + Online NV-XY0777$6,634$4,420 SAVE $2,214 SET A • 24 Big Scripts • 168 Matching Small Scripts (6 copies of 20 scripts; 12 copies of 4 scripts) • Teacher’s Guide (24 copies) • Program Overview • Reproducible Activities for Differentiated Instruction Book • Online Whiteboard Subscription (6 years) Print Only NV-Y34213$1,945$1,795 SAVE $150 Print + Online NV-XY0778 $3,325$2,260 SAVE $1,065 CLASSROOM STARTER PACKS Single-Copy Set • 24 Small Scripts NV-Y02988 $140 Individual Big Scripts (See code near each script.) • Big Script $35 Script Sets (See code near each script.) • Big Script • Matching Small Scripts (6 or 12 copies) • Teacher’s Guide 6-Pack Script Sets $67 12-Pack Script Sets $85 Individual Script 6-Packs or 12-Packs (See code near each script.) • Small Scripts (6 or 12 copies) • Teacher’s Guide 6-Packs $35 12-Packs $49 KEY ordercoderolesperscript NV-Y03275(6) ScriptSet:NV-Y04535(6) 6SmallScripts:NV-Y01150 BigScript:NV-Y01075 ScriptSet:NV-Y04532(5) 6SmallScripts:NV-Y01146 BigScript:NV-Y01071 ScriptSet:NV-Y04540(5) 6SmallScripts:NV-Y01156 BigScript:NV-Y01081 ScriptSet:NV-Y04539(6) 6SmallScripts:NV-Y01155 BigScript:NV-Y01080 ScriptSet:NV-Y04563(7*) 12SmallScripts:NV-Y01154 BigScript:NV-Y01079 ScriptSet:NV-Y04530(6) 6SmallScripts:NV-Y01144 BigScript:NV-Y01069 ScriptSet:NV-Y04522(6) 6SmallScripts:NV-Y01140 BigScript:NV-Y01065 ScriptSet:NV-Y04562(8*) 12SmallScripts:NV-Y01147 BigScript:NV-Y01072 ScriptSet:NV-Y04533(5) 6SmallScripts:NV-Y01148 BigScript:NV-Y01073 ScriptSet:NV-Y04518(6) 6SmallScripts:NV-Y01135 BigScript:NV-Y01060 ScriptSet:NV-Y04560(8*) 12SmallScripts:NV-Y01133 BigScript:NV-Y01058 ScriptSet:NV-Y04534(5) 6SmallScripts:NV-Y01149 BigScript:NV-Y01074 ScriptSet:NV-Y04520(6) 6SmallScripts:NV-Y01137 BigScript:NV-Y01062 ScriptSet:NV-Y04531(5) 6SmallScripts:NV-Y01145 BigScript:NV-Y01070 ScriptSet:NV-Y04537(5) 6SmallScripts:NV-Y01152 BigScript:NV-Y01077 ScriptSet:NV-Y04561(8*) 12SmallScripts:NV-Y01138 BigScript:NV-Y01063 ScriptSet:NV-Y04524(4) 6SmallScripts:NV-Y01142 BigScript:NV-Y01067 ScriptSet:NV-Y04517(5) 6SmallScripts:NV-Y01134 BigScript:NV-Y01059 ScriptSet:NV-Y04529(5) 6SmallScripts:NV-Y01143 BigScript:NV-Y01068 ScriptSet:NV-Y04538(6) 6SmallScripts:NV-Y01153 BigScript:NV-Y01078 ScriptSet:NV-Y04536(6) 6SmallScripts:NV-Y01151 BigScript:NV-Y01076 ScriptSet:NV-Y04523(5) 6SmallScripts:NV-Y01141 BigScript:NV-Y01066 ScriptSet:NV-Y04519(5) 6SmallScripts:NV-Y01136 BigScript:NV-Y01061 ScriptSet:NV-Y04521(5) 6SmallScripts:NV-Y01139 BigScript:NV-Y01064 N ur se ry R hy m es a nd S on gs R EA D ER ’S T H EA T ER Grades K–2 9 Call 1-877-236-2465 • Fax 1-877-732-8273Next >