Grades PreK–12 FAMIS APPROVED Carmen Fariña, ChancellorCarmen Fariña, Chancellor Carmen Fariña, ChancellorCarmen Fariña, Chancellor #BEN019000 • Textbook Contract #7000823 PD Contracts • ELL #QC617AC • TECH #QR812CG Building Literacy and Language for Life ™ ® ® 2019–2020 400+ NEW TITLES! NYSTL Approved B555UA_000_COVERS.indd 310/1/19 10:27 AMBuilding Literacy and Language for Life ™ ® ® Building Literacy and Language for Life ™ ® ® *The Aspen Institute|National Commission on Social, Emotional & Academic Development Educating the whole learner cannot be reduced to a simple set of policies or proposals. It is, instead, a mindset that should inform the entire educational enterprise.* Dear NYC Educator, Support for the whole child is how learning happens. At Benchmark Education, a whole-child mindset underpins all that we do. We apply research-based approaches that strive to build equity, access, and excellence for each child. We hope to inspire and nurture enthusiastic readers and critical thinkers—aware that learning is not only cognitive, but also cultural, social, and emotional. In the materials we create, we aim to cultivate these skills, with a steady goal of success for every student. Our precisely leveled books support access to on-grade-level text, skills, and concepts to accelerate ongoing achievement. In these, and our exciting new trade book collections, we offer literature that is authentic and culturally conscious—creating connections with children from diverse communities. Both our informational and literary texts present multiple perspectives, making learning more appropriate and more effective. And we’ve developed new tools to enhance your ability to teach responsively, tapping the power of differentiating in the moment to meet each student’s needs. We remain dedicated to supporting you with quality resources as you prepare all your young learners for a fulfilling future. It’s a privilege to partner with you. With best wishes, Tom Reycraft Founder and CEO Proven in Classrooms Across the United States With Benchmark Education Programs PRIOR YEAR with Other Literacy Programs % P ro fic ien t/ Ad va nc ed S tu den ts 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 White Hispanic Black ALL 3.Lowerer LH Graph 98 Blacks and Hispanics using our materials gained 10% and 14% more Proficient students, respectively, reducing the gap with their classmates. Growth in the % of Gr. 3–6 Students Scoring Proficient or Advanced on State Reading Test After just one year using our materials, 17% more 3rd graders scored Proficient. ELs and Title I students achieved substantial increases in Proficiency of 28% and 38%, respectively. Growth in the % of Gr. 3 Students Scoring Proficient or Advanced on State Reading Test With Benchmark Education Programs PRIOR YEAR with Other Literacy Programs SWD Title I ALL ELs 30 34 38 42 46 50 54 58 62 66 70 78 82 86 74 % P ro fic ien t/ Ad va nc ed S tu den ts 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 YEAR 2YEAR 3 With Benchmark English & Spanish Programs YEAR 1 The researchers: “Grades 5 and 6 Spanish literacy students performed significantly better than the school’s 5th and 6th graders 2 years earlier.” 14.0 English DRA Level Gains Gr. 5 (Fall–Spring) Dual Language in Year 3 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 00 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 4.7 8.8 B555UA_001_IFC.indd 210/1/19 10:24 AMOur Expert Partners RENÉ BOYER Ed.D., Washington University ALLISON BRICEÑO Ed.D., San José State University WILEY BLEVINS Ed.M., Harvard University PETER AFFLERBACH Ph.D., University at Albany, SUNY LINDA HOYT M.A., Lewis & Clark College ADRIA KLEIN Ph.D., University of New Mexico VICKI GIBSON Ph.D., Texas A&M University SILVIA DORTA-DUQUE DE REYES M.A., San Diego State University Supporting the Whole Learner Prof essional Learning Cu ltu ra l Se ns itiv ity So ci al Em ot io na l Le ar ni ng Classro om Managem ent Core Literacy Earl y Le arn in g Tra de Bo ok s Literacy In te rv en tio n La ng ua ge De velo pm ent Assessment DOUG FISHER Ph.D., Claremont Graduate University/ San Diego State University NANCY FREY Ph.D., Claremont Graduate University/ San Diego State University MARGARITA CALDERÓN Ph.D., Claremont Graduate University/ San Diego State University JEFF ZWIERS Ed.D., Stanford University 123 ANDRÉS Latin Grammy- Winning Duo MICHAEL PRIESTLEY M.A., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor 1 B555UA_001_IFC.indd 29/12/19 11:31 AM Content-Area Leveled Text pp. 6–9 Flexible Literacy Modules Support Transfer and Build Content Knowledge Over Time Early Learning pp. 14–15 READY TO Cohesive and Complete Early Learning Program Language Learning pp. 210–211 ENL Program for Grades K–6 Practical Advice from Leading Education Experts Literacy pp. 162–163 Curate Your Classroom Library with Book Sets Organized by Strategy and Level GUIDED READING STRATEGY SETS for the Classroom pp. 292–302 Provide High-Interest Content for Diverse Learners MANDARIN CHINESE TRADITIONAL & SIMPLIFIED TEXTS Chinese Leveled Text Professional Development All NEW in Literacy Instruction Research Based and Classroom Ready TM p. 12 2 B555UA_002-003_WhatsNew.indd 29/12/19 11:31 AMSocial Emotional Learning pp. 48–49 Facilitate the Development of Social and Emotional Intelligence GRADES PreK–2 A Parent’s Guide Reading Begins at Home Grades PreK–2 ��� ��� �H� Parent �n�o��ement Reflects the complexity and dimensions of the world, inspiring interactions and development of global competence, opening up new windows and perspectives. Culturally Relevant Books pp. 102–123 Authentic Voices pp. 10–11 Stories and illustrations reflecting the voice and vision of children from ALL cultures, communities, lifestyles, and experiences. Our products supplement all core programs. If your district requires special customization, contact your local sales representative today. Quality leveled texts from Award-winning Authors Spot n TM Spot n TM Social Studies Science & Technology Literature Science & TechnologySpot n Social StudiesSpot n LiteratureSpot n TM TM TM FOLKTALE Coyote is a trickster in the Native American storytelling tradition. Coyote can be seen as being a greedy character, as he is in the Lakota tale “Coyote Goes to the Dance,” or as a helpful character, as in the Nez Perce tale “Coyote and the Swallowing Hill.” COYOTE TALES Y35817 Level Q/40 Lexile® 590L About the Author Joseph Bruchac has been writing traditional Native American stories since 1975. He wrote his first book, Turkey Brother, with the aid of his two sons. They helped him retell the stories he used to tell them when they were little. He lives in Greenfield Center, New York, in the same house where his grandparents lived. About the Illustrator Topaz Jones is an artist of varied disciplines and a Native American descendant of Western Shoshone and Pacific Northwest tribes. Jones has exhibited her artwork in Turkey, Italy, New York, and New Mexico, and she is a member of the Great Basin Native Artists collective. Growing up, Topaz enjoyed listening to cultural stories from her family and she incorporates these traditions into her art and writing. About the Illustrator Patrick Rolo, of the Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Chippewa, draws from his rich Native American heritage to illustrate the Eagle Books series. Patrick’s career includes newspaper, magazine, comic book, and courtroom illustrations. His oil paintings hang in galleries in Minnesota and Washington State. as told by Joseph Bruchac illustrated by Patrick Rolo and Topaz Jones COYOTE TALES ® A A breakthrough idea is something new and different. It changes how we think or behave. What do people who have breakthrough ideas have in common? Read the short biographies in this book to find out. You will discover that each of these remarkable individuals had a powerful vision—and the willingness to work hard for what they believed in. BIOGRAPHY SOCIAL STUDIES BREAKTHROUGH IDEAS What leads some people to ideas that can change the world? by Tom Cardigan BREAKTHROUGH IDEAS ® Y33922 Level N/30 Lexile® 790L Science & TechnologySpot n Social StudiesSpot n LiteratureSpot n TM TM TM Science & TechnologySpot n Social StudiesSpot n LiteratureSpot n TM TM TM INFORMATIONAL TEXT SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY Forces in Sports A hockey puck gets pushed into a net. A rock climber pulls himself up a ledge. These pushes and pulls are called forces. The forces in sports bring action to the game. See how forces make sports fun. by Kathy Furgang ® Y34024 Level N/30 Lexile® 740LForces in Sports 3 B555UA_002-003_WhatsNew.indd 39/12/19 11:31 AMTable of Contents PagesGradesNYSTL CORE CURRICULUM NEW Benchmark Workshop6–9K–5 TRADE BOOKS NEW Reycraft Books10–11K–5 PROFESSIONAL LEARNING NEW Professional Development12PreK–8NYSTL EARLY LEARNING Alphabet Animal Friends13PreK–KNYSTL NEW Ready to Advance 14–15PreKNYSTL Content-Area Sight Word Readers16–17PreK–1NYSTL Read Aloud Classics18–19PreK–2NYSTL Early Rising Readers20–27PreK–KNYSTL Rising Readers28–30PreK–1NYSTL NEW Decodable Readers311NYSTL Big Books/Shared Reading/Read-Alouds NEW Dual Language Big Books32–34K–2NYSTL My First Genre Big Books35K–1NYSTL Content Connections Big Books36–41K–2NYSTL Shared Reading Foundations Big Books42–43PreK–KNYSTL Shared Reading Classics Big Books44–45PreK–2NYSTL Social Emotional Learning MySELF46–47PreK–1NYSTL NEW Social Emotional Family Involvement Kits/Growth Mindset48–49PreK–6NYSTL Family Engagement Read at Home Family Involvement Kits50–51K–8NYSTL Take-Home Summer Reading Kits52–53K–2NYSTL LEVELED TEXTS Leveled Books Leveled Books Introduction54–57K–9 Early Explorers58–65K–2NYSTL Early Connections66–83K–2+NYSTL Classic Tales84–87K–2NYSTL Text Connections with Poetry88–97K–6NYSTL Text Connections: Guided Close Reading98–101K–2NYSTL NEW Spot On Introduction/Enfoque en102–105K–5NYSTL NEW Spot On Literature106–111K–5NYSTL NEW Spot On Social Studies112–117K–5NYSTL NEW Spot On Science & Technology118–123K–5NYSTL Standards Close-Up: Informational Text Sets124–1292–5NYSTL Social Studies NYC Correlations130K–8 Navigators131–1413–6+NYSTL Differentiated Text Pairs: Bridges/Navigators142–1473–6+NYSTL PRIME Science and Social Studies148–1555–9NYSTL BookRooms Anchor Comprehension Workshop156–160K–6 NYSTL Middle School BookRooms1615–8 NEW Guided Reading Strategy Sets162–163K–8NYSTL Classroom Libraries Informational/Literary Grade-Level Libraries164K–8NYSTL Genre-Specific Libraries165K–8NYSTL Multi-Genre Classroom Libraries166–167PreK–6NYSTL S.T.E.M./NGSS Theme Libraries168–169PreK–8+NYSTL Social Studies Theme Libraries170–171K–8+NYSTL Content-Area Libraries172–173K–9NYSTL Topic & Trade Book Classroom Libraries174–175K–6 SUPPLEMENTAL ESSENTIALS Responsive Teaching Tools NEW Responsive Teaching Toolkit176–177K–5 4 45 B555UA_004-005_TOC.indd 49/16/19 2:08 PMPagesGradesNYSTL NEW Instant Workstations1781–6 Digital Resources NEW E-BookRooms179PreK–9 Assessment NEW Oral Reading Records180–181K–8 Writer’s Workshop Benchmark Writer’s Workshop182–185K–6NYSTL Readers’ & Writers’ Genre Workshop186–1913–6+NYSTL Close Reading ACT Now! 192–1933–8NYSTL Short Reads for Finding Text Evidence194–1953–6NYSTL Reader’s Theater Folktales, Myths, and Legends196–1971–6NYSTL Nursery Rhymes and Songs, Content-Area Concepts, Word Plays & Classics198–199K–8+NYSTL INTERVENTION NEW Steps to Advance200–2012–6 Spring Forward202–203K–2NYSTL Be a Reading STAR204–2052–6NYSTL Phonics Skill Bags206–207K–6 Word Study & Vocabulary Skill Bags208–2093–8+ LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT ENL & BILITERACY NEW Advancing Language Learning210–211K–6 Advance ALL212–2192–6+NYSTL English Explorers: Science and Social Studies220–2293–8+NYSTL Math Explorers230–2313–8+NYSTL RIGOR232–2344–12NYSTL Sound-Spelling Transfer Kit235–236K–2NYSTL SPANISH & DUAL LANGUAGE Fonética y gramática 237–241K–2NYSTL Shared Reading Classics Big Books en español242PreK–2NYSTL Mi primer taller de géneros literarios Big Books243K–1NYSTL Content Connections Big Books en español244–245K–2NYSTL Leveled Books ¡Vamos a leer!246–249PreK–KNYSTL Exploradores principiantes250–251K–2NYSTL Libros para lectores ascendentes252–253PreK–1NYSTL Primeras conexiones254–259K–2+NYSTL Cuentos clásicos260–261K–2NYSTL Text Connections en español262–269K–6NYSTL Navegadores270–2733–6+NYSTL VITALES2745–9NYSTL BookRooms Spanish BookRoom Collections275K–6+ Anchor Comprehension Workshop en español276–278K–6 Spanish Leveled Book Collections279–284K–6+NYSTL Classroom Libraries Topic Classroom Libraries en español285K–6 Writer’s Workshop Spanish Readers’ & Writers’ Genre Workshop286–2873–6+NYSTL Close Reading ACT Now! en español288–2893–5NYSTL Soluciones290–291K–2NYSTL MANDARIN CHINESE NEW Text Connections in Chinese292–297K–4NYSTL NEW Chinese Social Studies Classroom Libraries298–302K–2NYSTL Sole Source Letter303 Order Form304 AWARD WINNER 545 B555UA_004-005_TOC.indd 59/16/19 2:08 PMIntroducing a New Star in Literacy Instruction WRITER’S WORKSHOP PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT TECHNOLOGY PHONICS & WORD STUDY WORKSHOP READER’S WORKSHOP Flexible literacy modules support transfer and build content knowledge over time. English & Spanish, 100% Digital PHONICS W O R K S H O PTMDEL LECTORT A L L E RTM READER ’SW O R K S H O PTM TM DE FONÉTICAT A L L E RTMT A L L E R TM T A L L E R TM APPROVED SIZE RELATIONSHIP WHEN USED SIDE BY SIDEPHONICS W O R K S H O PTMDEL LECTORT A L L E RTM READER ’SW O R K S H O PTM TM DE FONÉTICAT A L L E RTMT A L L E R TM T A L L E R TM APPROVED SIZE RELATIONSHIP WHEN USED SIDE BY SIDEIn English or Spanish for Grades K–5 Complete, Connected, and Completely Flexible Literacy Workshops 67 B555UA_006-009_Benchmark_Wrkshp_rs.indd 69/12/19 1:36 PMMeet Language Arts Standards Curriculum is aligned within and across grades. • 3-week units that address all grade-level expectations and connect across workshop modules • Targeted mini-lessons that focus on clusters of skills and incorporate gradual release • Crucial time allowed to students—to acquire, master, and transfer learning Teach Responsively Targeted resources support teachers as effective decision-makers. • Tools to promote transfer from whole group to small group, and constructive conversations • An array of assessment options that informs instructional decisions • Culturally responsive practices woven throughout, fostering a learning community Rely on Complete Instructional Solutions for Dual Language This true Biliteracy Workshop is 100% parallel and equitable—in English and Spanish. • Complete alignment to both English and Spanish Language Arts standards • Language development for Spanish Learners and English Learners at point of use • High-quality English and Spanish literature— new texts and award-winning tales, authors and illustrators from many world cultures CORE CURRICULUM Grades K–5 ePlanner Plan and Manage Student Groups Interactive Resources & Instruction for the Entire Program Video Multimedia to Reinforce Unit Topic Online Assessments Test-Taking Environment for Students; Reporting Platform for Teacher E-Books Whole-Group and Small-Group Texts Home to School Take-Home Letter and Activities TECHNOLOGY WHOLE GROUP SMALL GROUP STANDARDS TOPIC GENRE WEEK 1 W EE K 2 W EE K 3 English Spanish Visit www. or contact your local rep for more FAMIS information. 67 B555UA_006-009_Benchmark_Wrkshp_rs.indd 79/12/19 1:36 PMNext >